Tuesday, August 19, 2008

'bout me

All about me, from A to Z

A-- Attached or Single? Attached

B-- Best Friend? Michael, world's best husband

C-- Cake or Pie? Depends on the day...

D-- Day of Choice? When I'm not working...

E-- Essential Item? Phone, laptop, husband

F-- Favorite Color? Pink and blue

G-- Gummy Bears or Worms? Gummy Bears

H-- Hometown? Provo, UT

I-- Indulgence(s) Shopping and occasionally white chocolate

J-- January or July? July

K-- Kids? Not yet

L-- Life is incomplete without? My family, travel

M-- Marriage Date? March 15, 2006

N-- Number of siblings? 2, Becky and Benjamin

O-- Oranges or Apples? Apples but orange juice

P-- Phobias or fears? Height

Q- Quotes? "It wasn't me!"

R-- Reason to Smile? I'm married to the most wonderful guy in the world!

S-- Season? Utah Spring, California Summer

T-- Tag 5 People?

U-- Unknown Fact? I can sleep for more than 12 hours a day... especially if I work graveyards!

V-- Very Favorite Store? Depends on what I'm shopping for...

W-- Worst Habit? Procrastination

X-- X-ray or ultrasound? X-ray. Ultrasounds kinda hurt... and I can't really hold that much pee in my bladder!!!

Y-- Your favorite food? Calamari and French Fries

Z-- Zodiac? Scorpio

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